Are you ready to embark on your journey?

I have been working with health, yoga, food, and exercise in different forms, for over a decade now. I believe that if we take responsibility for the body given to us, we lay the foundation for success in everything else in life that matters to us.

What is central in this work is how we actually create change. It doesn't matter how broad my expertise is, if you can not understand what I teach, teach, coach, and instruct, and do something with it. It wasn't until I found coaching that my structure fell into place for this. Here I get to do what I do best, listen, observe, and support you to be held accountable. You will not just learn what to do, but how to actually do it.

A good coach reads between the lines and sees behind what you actually are saying. There are many different ways to communicate what we need help with, usually, words are not enough. With a great understanding of the body, the functioning of the brain, and an incredible curiosity for the person in front of me, I support you in your self-leadership. Together we get from a to b, whatever that means for you.

Why do you need coaching?

Because we all need a mirror sometimes.

A coach is someone who sees, hears and empathizes with what you are faced with, and that is unafraid of telling the truth. In coaching you get to challenge your believes, gain clarity around how you want to live and truly grow. My expertise lies in seeing the good in you, and make it great.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a tool to help you understand what you need and support to take action. My job as a coach is not to tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. I don’t decide what you need to hear, you do.

I am responsible for the process we have together through listening, seeing, and sensing what you communicate. Your job is to show up, prepared to do the work, ready to create lasting change.

I can coach you
in these areas:

  • When we lose ourselves in other's truth, we lose ourselves. Co-dependency, is an attitude, a kind of survival method that has been vital in the past. Together we look at whether it is necessary anymore and how you can find new strategies in life. Signs of codependency may include:

    • Your worth is defined by what others think of you

    • You have difficulty making decisions

    • It is difficult for you to know what you really feel and put it into words

    • You don't see yourself as a lovable person

    • You are often attracted to emotionally unavailable people

    • Or are you drawn to people with narcissistic personality traits

    • There are addiction problems in your vicinity

    • You stay in unmanageable situations for too long and are extremely loyal

    • You have to be needed in order to have a relationship

    • You are sensitive to what others feel and you feel the same

  • You actually know what you need to do, yet you don't do it. We all get stuck in old ruts and patterns sometimes. My role will be to help you see it, and support you in your prioritization. With powerful tools through both conversations and exercises, you can get new routines and thought patterns that will help you further. It can, for example, be about:

    • Structures for routines

    • Repetitive thoughts

    • Feeling stuck

    • Introduction to meditation and other focus exercises

    • Clarity about your priorities

    • Honesty in your relationship with yourself

    • Time optimism or pessimism

    • Help achieve your professional, relationship, or personal goals

    • I hold you accountable for what you say you will do in the follow-up sessions

    • Adjustment as you go, so your changes are sustainable

  • Structure and creativity can be seen as opposite poles that help you set frameworks within which you can create freely. Imagine the characteristics of a river and river bank. The river bank frames, creates structure and a container for the flowing river. The river, or the water, can then move freely within the framework and be as wild and expressive as it wants in the moment, the river bank remains stable. This is what you can learn to keep within yourself, and with people around you. The structural force is also called yang, masculinity, or the ability to keep an inner or outer space safe. The creative force is also called yin, femininity, that which moves within the container and is the ability to express, be creative, think outside the box and open up to new perspectives. Masculinity and femininity in this sense have nothing to do with gender, but are two forces, polar opposites of which we all have different parts. We need both, you get support with that in this focus. Maybe you recognize yourself in:

    • You don't feel bad, but you don't feel well either, something is missing

    • You have not found your vocation, the thing that is most important to you

    • You have lost the spark and feel like you are giving without being able to receive

    • You have a hard time knowing how to contribute and share your gifts

    • Time and time again you end up in similar patterns in your love relationships

    • You have difficulty knowing where your boundaries are, and setting them

    • You end up in relationships that don't work but don't know how to change it

    • You have a complicated relationship with your sexuality

    • You are extremely idea-filled, lustful, and imaginative, but cannot create structure and find discipline in your execution

    • You are disciplined and structured, often in the making, but find it difficult to connect with desire and playfulness and to let go of performance

  • We need movement and exercise to feel good, but do you know what type of activity is right for you? And how often and how much do you need to exercise? If you have a menstrual cycle, can you adapt your training to it? Only when you get to know your body and arrive fully in it, can you understand what exactly you need. If we get out of balance, our brain can send signals that throw us even more out of balance. A good example of this is when we drink too much water, we get thirstier and thirstier, dehydrating the body the more we drink. Instead, we need the opposite, less water. It requires an understanding of how your body works, and training in the application of what you learned to achieve results. More is not better, the right exercise and movement for you and your body is better. This is for you if:

    • You exercise regularly but don't see the results you're looking for

    • You are extremely stressed and exercise to deal with this

    • You exercise or move too little and need to find motivation

    • You don't want to move, but know you really need to

    • You need to gain weight to feel good but don't know how

    • Your body needs to lose a few pounds to get back into balance

    • You have a complicated relationship with your body

    • Eating disorders or distorted body image is something you have struggled with

    • You have difficulty landing in your body and perceiving what exactly you need

    • You need personalized yoga sessions

  • Food is not just nourishment or something that we "need to get over with". On the contrary, eating is one of the most intimate things a human being can do. The food actually becomes part of you when you have digested it. If you haven't seen the connection between how you feel and what you eat before, it will become clear when we work on it together. This way of working is for you if:

    • You don't prioritize cooking, it doesn't feel important or inspiring

    • There is little time to eat and you need support in being efficient

    • You need support with recipes for your body type

    • There have been or are eating disorders in the picture

    • You want to eat well but don't know how to eat

    • You find it difficult to love yourself and your body by nurturing it well

    • You've tried every diet out there and are tired of nothing working

    • You need to gain weight to feel good but don't know how

    • Your body needs to lose a few pounds to get back into balance

    • You feel confused by all the information about how to eat

    • You want to learn how to cook in classes with me

“Lisa is a highly skilled, thorough, and caring coach and teacher. I have experienced many of her sessions and always leave more balanced, calmer and with a sense of lightness and freedom, both physically and emotionally. Lisa is fantastic at locating imbalances in the system and providing the support needed for recovery.”

—Sarah J.

"Lisa made me feel so comfortable in every part of the process together. Even though we were halfway across the world on a Zoom call, it felt like we were in the same kitchen navigating the assortment of nourishing foods and spices. She is incredibly knowledgeable and made me feel like I have the right tools to prepare meals for my husband, daughter, and myself. Lisa made me realize that preparing nourishing and cleansing meals for my family doesn't have to be overwhelming. After a few days of cooking to balance my body, I can already feel a change and feel healthier than I have in months. I honestly can't thank Lisa enough."

- Leah

"Lisa gave me guidance on how to become more balanced, and aware, as well as how to read my body's signals a little better. I found her advice on soothing nutrition to be calming and extremely helpful. After my lovely session with her, I felt more at peace, more grounded, and left with useful positive information.”

— Anna L.

About Lisa

I know what it's like to struggle with a complicated approach to food, co-dependency, and a distorted body and self-image. I worked as a model for fifteen years, with all that it entails. Many travel days per year, hard training, and diet to keep me in shape as well as many challenges regarding my health. I have struggled with eating disorders, skin problems, low energy, anxiety, and in the midst of this, challenges around creating structure in life as a creative.

Making behavioral changes when you lack structure, or when you don't know who you are beyond your professional role, or other people's projections, is difficult. Believe me, I know.

This is not about my journey, I am largely done with that. I have taken responsibility and continue to do so in my continued development. Now this is about you and your journey. I want you to know that it is possible to overcome the challenges you face with the right tools. If I can, you most certianly can too.

Try a session and see if it is right for you